Website development is about building, testing and maintaining websites for public internet or private (intranet) use. It encompasses blogs, e-commerce sites, social media, government websites and basically anything requiring online longevity.

There are many website builders like WIX and Weebly that make it easy to create and launch a DIY website. But that’s just the first step. Like us  humans, websites evolve and grow according to their environment.

This means they need a more integrated approach, with customisable software that boosts both magnetic pull and functionality.  

That’s where and why web development really starts to matter.  Here at your IT team we work with browser, server, databases  using technology stacks like .NET, VUEJS, TailwindCSS , NEXT, NUXT.

We can leverage a wide array of technologies and products to find the perfect fit for your web development project. This may be Umbraco CMS, HubSpot, WordPress or something completely bespoke  based on Laravel or dotnet.

Our Web Development approach

At Your IT team, we adopt simple 5 step approach to banish awkwarness and maximise productivity. 

1. We get intimate:

Knowing you, your team and business are  super important.

We will organise Teams/Zoom meetings to do this, or if you prefer, a face to face . 

2. We discuss your online presence, journey and key goals

What is most important to your project and why?

3. We co-create a plan with you

Nothing complicated, just pragmatic next steps including the most suitable hosting platform and software fit.

4 We detail the detail.

This involves mapping the route to completion, identifiying achievable timescales and what we need to make it all happen

What  database access , skills resources?  How many people, how many hours and why. 

5. Head down, tail up and let the magic happen.

We organise regular check-ins  with you to trouble-shoot, talk through everything that was expected and anything that was not.

Hubspot Logo
Dotnet Logo