Ongoing support and maintenance


Engaging Your IT Team beyond the delivery of a single project can have significant advantages in terms of protecting and optimising your digital assets. Launching a website or app is always exciting, but that's only the beginning of the story. Your digital asset is a living, breathing entity that requires ongoing attention and care. At Your IT Team, we don't just walk away once your project goes live. Instead, we want to join you on the journey, helping you take your digital assets to new heights and being there to support you if anything goes wrong. We have 24x7 support, so even if it’s 3 am, we can be there for you. 



Compare Support Plans and Features


As an Umbraco Gold Partner and Microsoft Silver Partner, Your IT team is well-equipped to support your application or website. Our Gold Partner status means that we have priority access to Umbraco support, ensuring the timely delivery of up-to-date solutions to you. 

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Enquiry Now
Enquiry Now
Enquiry Now
Premium Umbraco
Enquiry Now

Your IT team maintains a customer Helpdesk that clients can access via email and phone. This Helpdesk is available to all our clients, but clients on a support package receive priority access based on the relevant Response and Resolution Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Security Updates

Security patches are applied as they become available, ensuring your site is secure, and the business and your clients are protected. Security patches and core upgrades are scheduled for deployment within 24 business hours of release. For critical security patches, this timeframe is shortened to 8 business hours.

Umbraco Updates

Umbraco release minor upgrades (e.g. 13.0 0 > 13.1.0) on a targeted release cadence of six weeks. Patch upgrades (e.g., 13.1.0 > 13.1.1) are rolled out as needed and typically include security patches and issues that affect the operation of Umbraco in an obvious way. These upgrades are performed as part of an Umbraco support package at no extra charge. On a non-Umbraco support package, these upgrades are charged at the contracted rate based on a two-hour block of developer time. Umbraco release major upgrades (e.g. 12.0.0 > 13.0.0) roughly twice a year which contain breaking changes (i.e., they require significant modifications to an existing website). If requested, an upgrade to a major release is treated as a project and an estimate submitted for approval prior to commencement. 

Uptime Monitoring

Uptime monitoring notifies us the moment a website goes down, allowing us to respond in a timely manner without you having to notify us.

Proactive Exception Monitoring & Resolution

We use crash reporting to ensure we can respond in a timely manner to incidents and site outages that affect the operation of your digital assets. Up to two hours of developer time per month are included in our packages to respond to such issues.

SLA Features

Our first priority is to respond quickly to support requests raised through the Helpdesk, in order to meet the minimum SLAs. After an initial investigation, we will give an indication of the time required to resolve the issue. 

SLA Level

We aim to reply to support requests within the same day. The SLA Level provides the maximum turnaround time for response. 

  • Basic Support SLA– Next business day. 

  • Standard/Umbraco Support SLA– Same business day. Requests at the end of the day will be responded to by the next morning. 

  • Premium/Premium Umbraco Support SLA– Within two hours of being notified. For Premium Support, 24x7 helpdesk access is available for requests made by phone. 

Next business day response.
Same business day response.
Same business day response.
Response within two hours of being notified. 24x7 Helpdesk access is available for requests made by phone.
Response within two hours of being notified. 24x7 Helpdesk access is available for requests made by phone.
Included Developer Support Hours

The support packages include up to 10 hours per month for website maintenance. However, if your business needs more than that, packages can be negotiated and customised. Any additional hours required for new features or enhancement requests are not part of the support package and should be purchased separately.

4 per month
4 per month
10 per month
10 per month
Additional Developer Hours

We offer the option to pre-purchase additional hours; in which case a 10% discount will be applied. Any unused hours can be carried over to the next month for a maximum of one month.

Dedicated Support Manager

Your IT Team will provide a dedicated Support Manager to make sure your project and your business are always taken care of.

Enquiry Now
Enquiry Now
Enquiry Now
Enquiry Now
Premium Umbraco
Enquiry Now


Why do you need a support partner? 


In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on their online presence to attract and retain customers. This means that their digital platforms, such as websites and mobile apps, need to be constantly monitored and maintained to ensure they are functioning properly and providing the best user experience. 

Ongoing technical support and digital platform management are crucial for businesses for several reasons. 

  • It ensures that their digital assets remain up-to-date and secure. With the increasing threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches, it is imperative that businesses have the latest security patches and updates installed on their digital platforms to protect not only their own data but also that of their customers. 

  • It will help businesses optimise their digital assets for maximum performance. This includes fixing issues and proactively monitoring and improving the user experience. By analysing user behaviour and feedback, businesses can make informed decisions to better meet their customers' needs. 

  • It will give you and your business peace of mind. A dedicated team of experts monitoring and maintaining their digital assets allows businesses to focus on core operations without worrying about online technicalities. 

  • It can save you time and money. It helps to identify and address issues before they become major problems, avoiding costly downtime and lost revenue. Having a dedicated team of experts managing digital assets can also eliminate the need to hire and train in-house technical staff, saving time and money. 

Your website or app is a crucial business asset that needs regular maintenance to perform at its best. This includes keeping up with updates and optimising for conversions. Having a reliable partner to get you back on track quickly in case of issues is essential. We can keep you up to date with the latest technology advancements through our ongoing partnership. 




Our approach to support and management


We understand that client support can't be a one-size-fits-all approach. That's why we offer a tailored support arrangement that matches your specific needs and budget. As part of an ongoing support plan, we can offer you various services, including:

1. A dedicated part-time developer to supplement your internal resources. 

2. Business user support via phone, email, and/or in-person. 

3. Troubleshooting and resolving website issues.

4. Management of maintenance requests, bugs, patches, and issues.

5. Umbraco Upgrades.

6. Security Upgrades.

7. Uptime Monitoring.

8. Proactive Exception Monitoring and Resolution.

9. CMS support and training.

10. Proactive maintenance and continuous improvement activities.

12. Monthly reporting and activity recommendations. 


Have you considered a  Development Hours Retainer?

A development hours retainer gives you access to our development team as if they were working in your office, allowing you to keep your assets up-to-date and relevant. 

Development hours can be rolled over up to one month only. Any hours not used within two months automatically expire.