What is a UX Audit?


A User Experience (UX) Audit is a systematic evaluation of your digital platform's usability, accessibility, and overall user-friendliness. It involves a detailed analysis of your website or application to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. Our UX Audits go beyond surface-level evaluations, delving deep into the user journey to provide actionable insights.


Why do you need a UX Audit?


Good UX/UI design can bring numerous benefits to your digital product or service.

  • Enhanced User Satisfaction: A seamless user experience can lead to higher customer satisfaction, retention, and conversion rates.

  • Optimised Performance: Discover and rectify usability issues that hinder your platform's performance and functionality.

  • Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of the competition by offering a superior user experience that sets you apart.

  • Cost Efficiency: Addressing UX issues early can save you time and money in the long run, reducing the need for costly fixes post-launch.

  • Accessibility Compliance: Ensure your platform adheres to accessibility standards, opening up your services to a broader audience.


Our approach to UX Audits.


We take a holistic approach to UX Audits. Our seasoned experts follow a meticulous process:

  • Research & Analysis: We start by gathering data, conducting user research, and analyzing your platform's current performance.

  • Heuristic Evaluation: Our experts apply industry best practices and heuristic principles to evaluate usability and identify potential issues.

  • User Testing: Real users interact with your platform to uncover user pain points, preferences, and opportunities for improvement.

  • Accessibility Evaluation: We ensure compliance with accessibility standards, making your platform usable for everyone.

  • Competitor Benchmarking: Analyzing your competitors helps us identify areas where you can outshine them.

  • Actionable Recommendations: We provide you with a comprehensive report outlining findings and actionable recommendations for improvement.


Our UX Audit capabilities.


Our UX Audit services cover a wide spectrum of digital platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and software applications. We specialise in:

e-commerce UX Audits

Enhance the shopping experience to boost conversion rates.

Mobile App UX Audits

Ensure seamless usability on various devices and platforms.

Corporate Website UX Audits

Improve user engagement and information accessibility.

Software App UX Audits

Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your applications.

Accessibility Audits

Ensure compliance with WCAG and ADA guidelines.

A UX Audit might seem like a big step, especially considering these can require extensive time and effort. If your company is not quite ready for a big investment, but you still want to work on UX improvements, we can start with a UX Review. UX Reviews are quicker than UX Audits and focus on quick wins that can be actioned with minimum resources and maximum returns.


UX Review


A UX Review identifies problematic areas in a digital product, providing data-driven insights and user-centric recommendations for improvements, aiming to enhance user experience and increase conversions. The audit helps optimise the product to align with users' needs and goals, improving conversions and user satisfaction.

The UX Review starts with a comprehensive heuristic product evaluation, employing a cognitive walkthrough from the customer's viewpoint. Our 10-step process ensures a thorough assessment of the following:

  • Visibility of system status: Keep users informed about system activities and their request's progress. Transparency is vital, especially during critical actions like transactions or data transfers.

  • Match between the system and the real world: Ensure your product aligns with users' mental models and familiar experiences. Make connections between the digital and non-digital aspects of users' lives.

  • User control and freedom: Allow users to undo actions and edit information easily. Offer clear options to reverse accidental actions.

  • Consistency and standards: Avoid surprising users with unpredictable behaviours. Ensure a smooth learning curve and easy recall for users to understand and use your product.

  • Error prevention: Anticipate and prevent errors, guiding users to correct inputs. Minimise frustration caused by poor design and error messages.

  • Recognition rather than recall: Facilitate task completion by providing cues and reminders instead of relying on users' memory. Recognising information is more user-friendly than recalling it.

  • Flexibility and efficiency of use: Enhance usability by providing shortcuts and options to accomplish tasks more efficiently. Aim to accommodate both experienced and inexperienced users.

  • Aesthetic and minimalist design: Simplify design elements to communicate priorities clearly. Prioritise primary actions and objectives for a more effective user experience.

  • Help users recognise, diagnose, and recover from errors: Offer clear and meaningful error messages that guide users in resolving issues. Avoid confusing or unhelpful error notifications.

  • Help and documentation: Provide various means of support, such as onboarding pages, chatbots, and videos, to assist users when facing obstacles. Ensure easy access to relevant and concise documentation.

  • Accessibility and inclusion: Consider the diverse needs of users, including those with disabilities or from different backgrounds. Strive to make your product accessible and inclusive to a wide range of users.




Get in touch.


Don't let usability issues hinder your digital success. Contact us today to schedule your personalised UX Audit. Our team is eager to help you create a user experience that drives results. Invest in your user's satisfaction and watch your business thrive.